Admission Process

Interested students/parents are required to submit to the Admissions Office a completed MBIIS application packet (see application & key information section on this page), including all requisite forms and documentation listed on the Admission Information Sheet.

Following submission applicants are screened and evaluated for acceptance and for grade level placement with a view toward their successfully gaining promotion from grade to grade, eventually leading to the awarding of the MBIIS High School Diploma.

Based on grade level and language proficiency, testing and screening for placement purposes will take different forms, including but not limited to, consideration of all past school reports in English, a personal interview, school readiness testing, language proficiency testing and a review of previous special needs documentation. The granting or refusal of admission is the responsibility of the Head of School in collaboration with the principal in charge of that specific grade level.

The admissions process involves these six steps:

1. Submit a completed application form

The first step in the admissions process is the submission of a completed application form to MBIIS by the parent(s)/guardian(s).

2. Placement testing or Screening

Placement testing and/or screening may be arranged depending on submitted documents, grade level and language proficiency.

3. Application review

Once all records have been collected, the application will be reviewed by the principal. Admission may be granted, denied or the school may place the student on a waiting list. In all cases, the parent(s)/guardian(s) will be notified by email/ letter.

4. School Contract

If admission is granted, parents will be notified in an acceptance letter. The School Contract for the pertinent school year will be enclosed with this letter. This contract must be signed by all respective parent(s)/guardian(s) and returned to the school.

5. Payment of Entrance and Registration Fees

Payment of the initial Entrance and Registration Fees is due once the School Contract has been finalized and before entrance. Invoices will be addressed to the payer as identified in the School Contract and issued shortly thereafter.

6. Other information

Fees 50% at the time of admission in March
25% till 25th of July
25% till 25th of October
Mode of Payment - Online (RTGS / Bank Transfer / DD)
Before the student begins at MBIIS, parents will receive further information depending on grade level and language proficiency additional meetings may also be arranged

Applicants may be admitted based on the school’s judgement regarding the suitability of the educational programme for the prospective student and space availability.
For admission at the beginning of academic year, application documents will be accepted as of January of that particular year, at the earliest.
Within 6 weeks of the initial application, all supporting forms and documents should be submitted.
A non-refundable Application Fee per child is due and payable at the time of application.


  • A Transfer Certificate from the school last attended clearly mentioning the class in which the child was studying.
  • A birth certificate issued by a Municipal Authority.
  • A certificate of conduct.
  • A medical certificate, giving details of general health and blood group of the student.